As you probably know, your smile can lead to a great first impression or a disappointing one. For this reason—along with a variety of others—Americans spend millions of dollars every year on teeth whitening.
Unfortunately, if you don’t care for your smile well after it is whitened, you could quickly find yourself unhappy with your results again. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to avoid this problem. To help you keep your smile as white as possible, we’re happy to discuss a few things you can do—and a few things you should avoid.
Really the thing you should be most careful about is what you put in your mouth. Some foods and drinks can ruin your teeth whitening. In reality, most foods and drinks that will stain a cloth will stain your teeth. This means that you should stay away from foods and drinks like hard candies, blueberries, cherries, coffee, red win, and colas. If you eat or drink any of these things, please remember to brush your teeth after waiting thirty minutes. Similarly, if you can’t avoid these beverages, please use a straw. The less time these drinks spend on your teeth, the less likely you are to stain your pearly whites.
Similarly, there are several drinks you should avoid, including coffee, tea, and red wine. You should also be careful with cola and citrus juices. If you have a hard time giving these drinks, try using a straw. This will contact between staining drinks are your teeth. Also, you should drink plenty of water to rinse food and drink away and to rinse out your smile.
If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact us soon. We look forward to hearing from you.