Are you familiar with gingivitis and how it can often manifest itself? Gingivitis is an oral health condition that is primarily known as an early stage of gum disease. Due to the fact that gum disease is a progressive disease in which an infection in the tissues around your teeth is present, it is important to make sure it is... read more »
Do you enjoy treats? Do you wish some foods were both good for you and your teeth? If so, then this blog is right for you! There are several foods you can eat that are healthy for your teeth and overall body. In fact, many of these foods can help keep your body and smile healthy as we age. Our... read more »
A chipped or broken tooth can be treated at our office. Before you visit us, you can try some of these suggestions to relieve discomfort and protect the tooth. - If possible, you can pick up the missing pieces of the tooth. They are not absolutely necessary, but they may help with restoring the tooth if you bring them to... read more »
Due to the risks associated with mouth jewelry, you may want to find and effective treatment plan to keep your smile safe. Mouth jewelry consists of lip and tongue rings that come in all shapes and sizes to enhance the aesthetics of your mouth but can it oral piercings can cause problems. It is important to understand that lip or... read more »
Individuals who have a bad habit of skipping dental checkups are always at increased risk of suffering from poor oral health. In many of these scenarios, minor cases of gum disease and cavities can worsen leading to more significant problems. Sometimes even a seemingly small cavity can spread rapidly. Once the tooth decay permeates the core or root of the... read more »
If you have questions about flossing, then you have come to the right blog. Today, our dentist, Dr. Swapna Nadikuda, and dental team are more than happy to help you find the answers you need. The more you know about flossing, the better chance there is of you having a proper and effective flossing routine. To help you, we would... read more »
Do you remember when you last replaced your toothbrush? If you paused for thought, chances are it’s time for a new brush. The ADA recommends that a toothbrush is replaced every three to four months, or if any bristles appear to be frayed or broken. Make sure to find the right kind of bristles for you as a brush that... read more »
If dental erosion is allowed to occur in your mouth, it can lead to serious oral ailments including damage to the inner workings of your teeth. If harmful acids continually erode your tooth enamel away to the point a hole forms in the tooth, a cavity will be present. In order to adequately treat a cavity, a dental filling must... read more »
Are you prepared for any tooth hazards that can come your way this year? Did you have a tooth hazard prevention plan in place last year? Have you ever suffered an or accident or injury? All of these questions are extremely important and should be answered to ensure you have the best possible oral health care for both now and... read more »
The health of your teeth relies in large part on the strength of your tooth enamel. Poor oral hygiene habits can leave bacterial deposits and residue in your mouth, contributing to the chronic buildup of plaque acids. To help prevent this from happening, the American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth each morning and night as well as... read more »