For the last 25 years, dental implants have revolutionized dentistry, offering the successful replacement of the tooth roots of lost teeth. They can replace the missing tooth without anyone being the wiser.
What does your dentist look for to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implant restoration?
Believe it or not, adults can successfully receive an implant into their nineties, as long as they have healthy bone to support the implant. Since the jaw bone has to be fully developed, young people are not viable until their jaw bone is matured. For boys this is around the age of seventeen and for girls, fifteen. However, there are other options for a missing tooth while the jaw is still developing. Then, once the jaw is fully developed and can support an implant, they can receive an implant.
What your dental team looks for in deciding your implant viability
— Patients with the following are not considered viable for dental implants: diabetes, cancer, receiving radiation to the jaws, is a tobacco user or is dealing with alcoholism. Healthy teeth and gums are a must to avoid gum disease which deteriorates the bone.
— Prior to implant restoration, dental work must be done for patients with tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease or broken teeth. The patient’s mouth must be stable before implants can be put in.
— A patient needs to be committed to meticulously maintaining their oral health to support an implant. If teeth and gums are neglected the implant will not succeed. Fortunately, implants can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.
— There needs to be enough bone material and in the right place to fully support an implant. For those who do not have enough bone, there are grafting techniques that can help make the adult patient ready.
If you meet the criteria and are tired of missing a tooth, you may be able to have the smile you have been wanting with the help of dental implants. Give us a call at Taylor Family Dentistry and we will have you smiling again in no time! We can be reached at 513.229.7801.